The family of a football player who suffered a brain injury in a football game one month after suffering a concussion settled their case against La Salle University for $7,500,000. The family claimed in their lawsuit that the earlier concussion made the football player more vulnerable to brain damage from another severe blow to the head.
Better training on proper tackling techniques and proper blocking have greatly reduced the number of paralyzing football injuries. However, there remains an enormous amount of controversy and disagreement over the seriousness of concussion injuries. Just this season, Tim Tebow, Kurt Warner and Ben Roethlisberger went down with concussion injuries. Certainly, these three stars received the finest medical treatment available and did not return to play until it was neurologically safe to do so. However, many young men and women do not receive proper treatment and are pushed back onto the field by over zealous coaches before it is safe to return to full contact, and are unnecessarily exposed to a high risk of brain injury.
The Louisiana injury lawyers at Dué Guidry Piedrahita Andrews Courrege L.C. are no strangers to sports injury cases, having handled one of the most well-known reported sports injury cases in Louisiana– Fox v. Board of Supervisors, involving a rugby player rendered quadriplegic after being allegedly improperly tackled by an opposing player.
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